I need a change.
Im really messy and that caused me a lot of problems in the past.. but its a really bad habit, Im working really hard to change that, because normaly i cant find anything and its really frustrating. I think I could chage this if i create some kind of sistem like put my books to read in a different place from the university or dont leave my close all over the room.
Another thing that I would like to change about me its that I really like to eat and this casuses me some problems because that increase my weight, to try to change this Im trying to go on a diet and I started a new sport, wish me look its rugbyg.
The World Needs a Change.
Its obvius from everyone that we, the humans beings, dont care about our enviroment, we are really unconsidaret with the world, with his animals and with everything. We are constantly contaminating without thinking what is this going to cause to us and to the all living creatures that sharing with us this world.
We can see often how the climate is changing, we can see how some several animals are dissapering and dying for our cause, because we are no taking concience about this, this dying of plants, animals insects are afecting the "cirle of life" and very soon its going afect us directly.
To chage this we have to take conciencie and do what we can like no throug trash on the streets or on the parks, or recycling, or do not turned on the air conditionary if we are no using it.
This photo was taking from:http://elkioscobloggero.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/ad_wwf_calentamiento_global.jpg
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